Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Candi Prambanan

            Jogjakarta adalah provinsi dimana candi ini berada. Candi yang terletak di Jalan Raya Jogjakarta-Solo km. 17, sekitar 20 km sebelah timur Jogjakarta ini begitu menarik untuk dikunjungi. Selain kita bisa belajar tentang sejarah kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia, kita juga bisa menikmati keindahan bentuk ukiran relief yang menempel diseluruh badan candi. Dalam komplek candi prambanan juga terdapat candi-candi lainnya seperti Candi Lumbung, Candi Bubrah, dll. Kita juga bisa menikmati fasilitas museum, taman bermain, atv dan pemutaran vedio yang tersedia di dalam komplek candi prambanan.

            Untuk menuju komplek Candi Prambanan, kita bisa menggunakan Bus Trans-Jogja yang akan berhenti di Terminal Prambanan. Alternatif kendaraan yang bisa digunakan untuk mencapai candi ini ini adalah dengan menggunakan taksi atau dengan kendaraan pribadi baik motor ataupun mobil.

            Biaya untuk memasuki komplek candi prambanan adalah sebesar Rp. 22.500 tetapi pihak candi prambanan juga menawarkan paket lainnya yang juga menarik dengan harga yang sangat layak untuk dipertimbangkan. Dengan paket yang seharga Rp. 30.000 kita bisa menikmati tambahan tempat wisata yaitu Candi Ratu Boko yang letaknya terpisah dari komplek candi prambanan dan ditempuh selama 15 menit perjalanan. Dengan paket ini kita akan diantar-jemput menggunakan mobil yang disediakan pihak candi prambanan.

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Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Source of Leader Power

Power is the capacity to affect the behavior of others. Leaders in organizations typically rely on some or all six major types of power:

Legitimate power stems from a position’s placement in the managerial hierarchy and authority vested in the position. When we accept a job with an organization, we are ussualy aware that  we will recieve direction related to our workfrom an immediate boss and others in the hierarchy. Normally we accept such directions as legitimate because these persons hold positions of authority.

Reward power is based on the capacity to control and provide valued rewards to others. Most organizations offer an array of rewards that may be under a manager’s control, including pay raises, bonusses, promotion recommendations, etc.

Coercive power depends on the ability to punish others when they do not engage in desired behavior. Forms of coercion or punishment that a manager may be empowered to use include criticisms, reprimands, suspensions, warning letters that go into an individual’s personnel file, negative performance appraisal, demotions, withheld pay raises, and terminations.
Expert power is absed on the possesion of expertise that is valued by others. Managers often have considerable knowledge, technical skills, and experience that can be critical to subordinates success.

Information power result from acces to and control over the distribution of important information about organizational operations and future plans. Managers usually have better access to such information than subordinates and some discretion over how much is disseminated to work-unit members.

Referent power result from being edmired, personally identified with, or liked by others. When we admire people, want to be like them, or feel friendship toward them, we more willingly follow their directions and exhibit loyalty toward them. Some observers argue that former CEO Lee Iacocca’s initial success in turning around the chrysler corporation was based partially on the fact that he possessed referent power in relation to the work force.

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How Leader Influence Others

Why do people accept the influence of a leader?. Often, they do so because leaders have power. Yet Khatharine Graham, chairperson of the influntial Washington Post Company, notes, “Nobody ever has as much power as you think they do.” In this article, i examine the major sources of power and whe ways that leader can effectively use the power they potentially have available.

Power is the ca[pacity to affect the behavior of others. Leaders in organizations typically rely on some or all six major types of power.

2.     Expert power
3.     Coercive power
4.     Expert power
6.     Referent power

Although all six types of power are potential means of influencing others, in actual usage they may elicit somewhat different levels of subordinate motivation.

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Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Hierarchy of Need Theory

One of the most widely know theories of motivation is the hierarchy of need theory, developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow and populerized during the early 1960’s. It argues that individual needs form a five-level hierarchy.

            According to this heirarchy, our first need is for survival, so we concerntrate on basic phsycological needs, such as food, water, until we feel fairly sure that these needs are covered. Next, we concern ourselves with safety needs, which pertain to the desire to feel safe, secure, and free from threats to our existence. Once we feel reasonably safe and secure, we turn our atention to relationships with others in order to fulfill our belongingness needs, which involve the desire to affiliate with and be accepted by others.

With support from loved ones, we focus on esteem needs, which are related to the two-pronged desire to have a positive self-image and to have our contributions valued and appreciated by others. Finally, we reach the highest level, self-actualization needs, which pertain to the requirment of developing our capabilities and our creativity, seeing our inovative ideas translated into reality, pursuing new knowledge, and developing our talents in uncharted directions. Needs at this level highest level are never completely fulfiled, because as we work to develop our capabilities, both our potential and our needs for self actualization grow stronger.

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Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is the proces of defining expectation for employee performance, measuring, evaluating and recording employee relative to those expectation and providing feedback to the employee. A major purpose of performance appraisal is to influence, in a positive way, employee performance and development. In addition, the proces is used for a variety of other organizational purposes, such as determining merit pay increases, planning future performance goals, determining training and development needs, and assesing the promotional potentional of employees.
            Because performance is multidimensional, performance appraisal methods must consider various aspects of a job. The most widely used approaches focus on employee behavior (behavior-oriented) or performance result (result-oriented). Whitin the behavior-oriented category, two important assessment means are graphic rating scales and behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS).

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